黑龙江冰雪艺术发展有限公司,自1996年以来,一 直致力于参加、组织国际冰雕艺术活动。常年保持一支 由160多名冰雕师及设计人员组成的工作团队,常年派遣 冰雪艺术家参加各种国际冰雕比赛。可同时在世界四个 以上地区同时举办冰雪艺术展览。
ICEWORLD的冰雪艺术展项目曾历次获得中华人民共 和国文化部颁发的优秀文化产品出口奖;中华人民共和 国商务部颁发的优秀文化产品出口项目奖;中华人民共 和国商务部、中华人民共和国文化部、国家广播电影节 电视总局、中华人民共和国新闻出版总署共同颁发的年 度国家文化出口重点企业和重点项目奖。
Since 1996, Heilongjiang Provincial Ice & Snow Art Development Co., Ltd. has been organizing and participating in international ice s art activities. We have sent over 160 ice sculptors and designers, to join in international ice sculpture competition.We can hold ice exhibitions in more than four regions around the world at the same time.
ICE WORLD,as one of the ice art exhibitions,
has won many awards such as Excellent Cultural
Product Export Awards granted by the Ministry
of Culture of the People’s Republic of China,
Excellent Cultural Product Export Project Awards
by the Commerce Department of the People’s
Republic of China,and National Culture Export
Key Enterprise and Key Projects